Blog From Your Richmond Dentists

Your Richmond dentists want to keep you and the whole community up to date with the latest about our practice as well as dentistry in general.

Mudderella: WE DID IT!

Mudderella: WE DID IT!

Mudderella Was A Success!   Your entire team at Coppersmith dental did the Mudderella adventure race in Whistler on the weekend, and it was a blast. We had 15 ladies on our team, the MUDDY SMILES, made up of staff, patients of the practice, and friends. So How...

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Less Posting, More Running!

What have we been up to? We've been so busy training that we haven't sent too many updates in the last while. In fact, just the other day our office did the Terry Fox run as part of our training! It was windy and wet but we raised some money and had lots of fun. Stay...

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Training at Garry Point Park

Our team just finished training at Garry Point Park in Richmond. We worked out on the logs, while keeping an eye on the tide coming in. We were "refreshed" by a random wave every once in a while! 72 days and counting until Mudderella...   

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Biking on Dyck Trail

June 17, 2015 Our Coppersmith Dental team members biked the Dyck Trail at Finn Slough in Richmond. Check out pictures of our team members Siea, Natalie, Janice and Barb training for Mudderella below!        

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We did the Grouse Grind!

June 4, 2015 Our Mudderella training continued the other night! Some of our Muddy Smiles team took on the Grouse grind - some of them for their first time! We conquered the rocks, mosquitoes, and the steady approach of nightfall. Only 111 more days to go!  ...

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Our Mudderella Training Continues!

We have been busy training and here's our latest update! We have been up the Chief in Squamish, doing lots of outdoor training on the dyck in Steveston, and are headed up the grind tonight. Check out our pictures below and wish us luck! [gallery link="file"...

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Your Conveniently Located Richmond Dentists

We are your conveniently located Richmond dentists working for your community. Contact us and see how you can participate in our community activities.